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Value Labs Design inspire Designathon 2022


24 hour deadline


Diet management, Food

Enhancing the travel experience for senior individuals by alleviating the challenges of finding suitable meals that meet their specific health requirements along their itineraries, so that they travel with ease and peace of mind


Design a solution or system for people to be successful in spite of challenges like dealing with setbacks, disability, motivation loss or any factor that could help them overcome and become victorious/ successful in their goals.


Why travel experience of elderly?

  • Senior citizens after retirement get the most amount of time to travel.

  • Due to issues like physical and mental health, or not having partners/ friends to go along with, they usually end up not going.

  • Turned out this area was not explored much in Indian specific context.

Feeling of Helplessness
Pressure on adult kids
Affects other aspects of life
Secondary Research

We started out research by understanding the various factors affecting travel of elderly travel of elderly and how it affects them in turn

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For around 65 % of seniors, leisure travel is topped as a lifestyle spending preference. Survey by Max India Ltd


Survey by health-tech firm, Healthians, it was found that 6 in 10 Indians have abnormal levels of bad cholesterol


Over 43 % of the respondents who had diabetes in 2021 were above 60 years of age


Elderly individuals may feel hesitant to travel due to concerns about the safety and hygiene of food prepared outside their homes


Lack of awareness and understanding among the general population, including travel service providers, about the dietary needs and restrictions of elderly individuals which results in limited options

Primary Research

We conducted three semi-structured interviews, one with an elderly who had high cholestrol, a family member of the elderly and a hospitality team member of a tourist guide service.


65 yrs

High Cholesterol

"Most of the times I am not able to join
my friends in group trips because they
are going to faraway places"

Activity & behavior

  • Short trips instead of long trips

  •  Feelings of helplessness when not able to join friends for faraway trips

  • Irritability as finding suitable food in unfamiliar places becomes a hassle


  • Finding suitable food in unfamiliar places

  • Cost effectiveness in finding good food


34 yrs

Family member

"My Father usually gets scammed/charged high by shopkeepers" 

Activity & behavior

  • Teaches elderly how to
    navigate through unfamiliar
    places with the help of tech

  • Worry about elderly closed
    ones when they travel


  • Constant checking on close
    elderly and worry

  • Managing work along


26 yrs

Hospitality Team

"It is a lot of hassle to coordinate and guide elderly people to places, take care of their dietary needs" 

Activity & behavior

  • Extremely hectic to find suitable food places and manage other things together


  • Finding food according to dietary concerns

  • Emergency situations

Research Insights


A lot of time gets wasted on trips in finding food places which affects the whole travel experiences

Senior Portrait

Inability in travelling to places decreases confidence in oneself overtime

Cheese Dessert

People with dietary restrictions often end up spending a lot on meals


Old people have more time at hand to travel. so there is no time crunch for them or schedules to follow

Accessible Travel

Travelling smarter and lighter, old people pack things which are comfortable rather than fashionable, along with essential medicines

How might we

Final How might we

HMW Help elderly with dietary restrictions plan their travels accordingly?

User persona


Market study & Intervention


We found out that in India meal solutions for travelling elderly is rare, and only known locally. Hence we decided on building a service which helps elderly in pre-planning and booking their meals along with convenient pickup zones

Final design intervention

A service that enables elderly travelers to select and book meals out of the findings provided according to their dietary restrictions in advance and on the go. They can pickup the food either themselves or from pickup points on the way, where their food will be delivered according to their set time


How it works

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Features of proposed solution

  • It lets people pre-book meals 10 days prior to their travel
  • People can either pick up their food from the restaurants or from the nearest pickup safes
  • People can input their dietary conditions conveniently in their own time
  • It can suggest convenient, suitable and cost-effective solutions based on the itinerary provided
  • The food safes are placed at major highways and sight- seeing joints for convenience

Visual Design

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After getting feedback from our peers and researching more on the web, we found out that this kind of a service is required by individuals of various age-group. Hence, this can be further enhanced to include different individuals of various age-groups

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